We believe there are 1000’s of ways to arrive at the same destination.
Since the launch of Coaches Training Room in 2015 we have benefitted coaches worldwide by providing access to controlled and conditioned session plans which encourage a learning environment which is both fun and challenging.
Through constant development and exposure to professional coaches around the globe, Coaches Training Room have grown and have continued to create session plans which are designed to replicate in-game scenarios that are also easy to understand as a coach and simple to replicate on the training field.
In 2016 we launched our Premium brand of session plans with Soccer Coaches University, a program designed to update you with monthly, animated session plans while also offering linked sessions, progressions and alternative plans so that your players can practice what they have learned under a different set of conditions to help them not only remember what they have practiced, but also understand why they’re practicing this way, allowing for greater information retention and understanding. The program also offers counsel to Coaches through phone support and boasts many great coaching relationships and Coaching success stories as a result of this 1 to 1 mentorship.
As we grow and develop, we aim to benefit coaches in more ways. If you’re reading this, you are part of our journey which is taking a turn down a path less travelled…
We have re-invested heavily in Coaches Training Room to launch a Limited-Edition range of Coaching Equipment. Our team have scoured the globe, dealing with manufacturers to create a package containing all the coaching essentials. We wanted to create a brand of equipment for the non-conformist, focused on minimalism, style, durability and quality while remaining true to our CTR vision of accessibility and affordability.
Like many grassroots coaches, we don’t have the financial backing of a large sports organization. Our Founders and all the team are all Soccer Coaches, with our continued development we can now offer this unique and tailored package designed by Coaches for Coaches.
Soccer Coaches University year one has now concluded and many of the coaches within this community are starting their journey into year two.
You have a unique opportunity to catch up with this group.
Soccer Coaches University is now available as a fast track course. 12 months of well designed, relatable and adaptable session plans can be unlocked in full. As part of this elite group you will have access to well planned topics that focus on replication of the angles, runs and game situations that players need in order to create a heightened learning environment that helps players to read and understand the game, be more aware and increase their overall Soccer IQ instead of simply focusing on the technique.
You will have access to the 1 to 1 mentorship, printable alternative sessions, archives of data and useful tools inside our portal for you to use at any time.
To make this offer our best one yet, you will also receive our fully loaded coaching kit bag direct to your door. You will become 1 of only 100 Coaches currently worldwide with access to this unique online product and Limited Edition Coaching Kit.
To Your Success,
Coach Mark and Coach Eric
P.S. - We only have 100 FREE Coaching Bag and Equipment Kit's to give away with your purchase so you won't want to wait another minute because once they're gone, they're gone!